A healthy gut is required to optimise digestion of feed, with horses having an absolute requirement for long stem roughage. Feed needs to be broken down into nutrients that can be absorbed across the gut wall, into the blood stream for the body to use. The mechanics of a healthy gut therefore requires the gut wall tissue (stomach & intestines) to be healthy, have good motility, needs good bacteria & appropriate enzymes to help breakdown the food.
Food is Fuel - without fuel the animal cannot survive, breed nor perform at its peak. We need to respect the way the horses gut works because without a properly functioning gut, all other body systems will be affected. The immune system, nervous system, kidneys, liver, skin, muscles, bone - all depend on the the gut to be healthy.
Therefore we can see that if the gut is unhealthy - all those other body systems can be affected. That is why we need to support gut health. Not only when an animal is unwell, but to optimise normal functions such as breeding and performance of the animal above and beyond routine daily functioning.
Supporting gut health with Herbal Medicine is a no-brainer - horses are Herbivores - ideally suited to the addition of Herbal Medications in their management. HoneyPro Vet GutPro for Horses is a blend of herbal powders that may assist in the maintenance of the entire gastrointestinal system via:
- Demulcents to line, soothe & protect gut mucosa for natural protection of the entire gut lining
- Antiulcer action to prevent ulcer development, resistance to acid effects
- Natural minerals to prevent toxin absorption from the environment & tissue breakdown
- Treat & prevent diarrhea
- Provide nutrition for cell repair of damaged bowel tissues
- Detoxify liver & bowel contents
- Liver, kidney & pancreatic protective
- Assist coping with stress, lowering cortisol levels, useful for Metabolic Syndrome horses
- Prebiotic source & LIVE, Equine specific Probiotics to colonize & grow in the gut
- Seaweed for Natures Superfood; source of antioxidants and prebiotics.